7 Advantages & 3 Disadvantages Of Living Abroad

Living abroad has more advantages than disadvantages; however, one of the disadvantages can be life-threatening and it’s advisable you take note of it.

These days, traveling out of the country to go live abroad is the intention of most people in some countries in Africa, Like Nigerians.

And it’s like having that opportunity to live abroad is a great achievement.

So, while thinking or planning on living abroad, below are some advantages and disadvantages of living abroad as well as some reasons why people go abroad.

Reasons Why People Travel to Live Abroad

  • Schooling:

Some people prefer going to school abroad because they want to experience a different or better method of education; thereby they try to gain a scholarship to study abroad.

  • Job opportunity:

Another reason people travel abroad is to search for greener pastures, in other words, to get better-paying jobs with a more stable currency.

  • Vacation:

People travel abroad for vacations; to relax, enjoy themselves, meet new people, experience new cultures and languages as well as have quality “me time” by themselves away from friends and relatives

  • Marriage/family:

For someone whose loved ones are already based abroad, they have to join them and continue living there.

  • A fresh start:

There are people that for some reason decided to relocate or travel to live abroad in other to start a new life without thoughts of coming back.

  • Healthcare:

Due to some health issues, most people travel abroad for proper treatment. And this is common with people living in countries with low healthcare facilities. Some might decide to stay back and start living there so they can easily get access to health care without traveling back and forth.

Having seen the above reasons, you would agree that where to travel to, all depends on your reason to travel abroad. Also, if you carefully look at the reasons for going abroad, you’ll notice the advantages of living abroad, and so, anything with an advantage also comes with a disadvantage. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of living abroad.

Also Read: 7 Steps To Take Before Going Abroad For Studies.

Advantages Or Pros of Living Abroad

1) Easier or Organized method of living:

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Living Abroad

This depends on where (Continent or Country) you are going to.

In some countries, life is easier and more organized maybe because they have a well-managed economy.

Plus, people are willing to work together for the betterment of their country.

Good agricultural practices makes a variety of foodstuffs available and cheap to purchase;

they also have better electricity or better power supply, good roads for vehicles to ply on, etc.

Thereby reducing the rate of vehicle damage and cost of repair; clean water supply in every home; and other factors that make life easy.

2) Quality healthcare facilities:

Having a good doctor is one thing and, they can be found almost in every country but having enough or more than enough healthcare facilities is another thing that is not found in most countries.

Therefore, traveling to live in a country with this quality can be considered an advantage, especially if you have a serious health issue.

3) Quality education:

Just like quality healthcare facilities, quality education also requires facilities to aid in understanding, especially for science courses or studies.

Another necessary need in education is a conducive environment for learning.

The possibility of completing your studies at the exact required or supposed time without being held back by political influences.

Therefore, living abroad with this quality of education is an advantage.

Also Read: 4 Ways To Stop Travel Anxiety

4) Security:

Security is one major reason why most people prefer living abroad.

If you are living in a country that is facing one crisis or the other, you should consider traveling abroad to a safer place where there is good and advanced security.

Emergency response time is a key factor when it comes to security. Hence, if you can get that in another country, it’s a good idea to live there.

5) Job opportunities and stable currency:

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Living Abroad

This is another huge advantage of living abroad and another major reason why people travel abroad.

It’s known that in some countries, there are so many job opportunities and this isn’t just the good part;

You will get paid well and have enough to spare for your relatives back home.

If you decide to go back home after retirement, your hard work while abroad would have gone a long way, especially if you have specific plans.

Other advantages of living abroad are;

  • You will get to experience different weather conditions from your home as well as a serene environment
  • There are plenty of fun places and amusement parks to go visit beyond what you’ve seen in your local country.

Disadvantages Or Cons of Living Abroad

1)  Racism

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Living Abroad

Now, this is a major disadvantage of living abroad and can sometimes even be a threat to one’s life.

This disadvantage is common and usually experienced among dark-skinned people living amidst light-skinned people.

This factor affects many things. Issues like the possibility of the victim to access better jobs or gaining access to some places.

Even worse, the blacks barely get to contribute to some decision-making processes.

Racism can also affect the victim’s self-esteem.

Also Read: The Best 4 Ways to Migrate to The UK From Nigeria

2) Excess tax and fine to pay

The sudden realization of this factor will affect people coming from countries where there is not much tax to pay.

This can be overwhelming for you at the start, but you will get to adjust to the system over time.

3) Language barrier

In some countries, people don’t speak or understand English or your language, thereby, making it hard for you to communicate there.

This is something to consider before traveling to another country.

In conclusion, before traveling to any country, make proper research about the country before making a final decision.


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