10 Ways To Stay Strong Emotionally

Being able to stay emotionally strong is a strength that must be celebrated.

Most times, being able to make the right decisions in your life, in general, requires having strong and healthy emotions.

Our emotional health is as important as our physical health.

You will agree with me that, these days’ people don’t take their emotional and mental health seriously as that of the physical.

This is why many run into depression and are seeking ways to find hope in their depression.

Due to this act of negligence for your emotion, you tend to wrong decisions and also find it hard to overcome difficult situations.

Since a healthy emotion is equal to a strong feeling, I will be showing you some habits to practice that would make you develop a strong emotion.

What Is An Emotion?


Emotion can be described as a feeling or variety of feelings that are mostly caused by the situation that you are in or it can be caused by the people you are with at the moment.

Our emotions I’ll say are what makes us do what we do most times.

It can make you act or react towards people or challenging situations.

Sometimes if you are not in control of your emotions or you are not emotionally strong, you might end up regretting the way you did.

This is why staying strong emotionally is essential if you want to be happy these days.

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Below are some types of feelings that come with emotion:


These emotional feelings happen depending on the people you are with or your current circumstance.

1. Sadness

We all feel sad at some point in time as a result of bad news we got or it can be from an action portrayed by a loved one towards us that made us sad (or disappointed).

Sadness results from dissatisfaction and it’s expressed through tears (crying), quietness, Isolation (wanting to be by yourself), etc.

2. Happiness

Happiness is an important feeling that is common but yet underrated by many people.

Being happy shows that you are satisfied with yourself or an outcome of a situation (although we sometimes wake up happy).

It can be expressed by smiling, laughing, or just being cheerful.

3. Anger

This feeling is also common among us and it happens when we get offended by other people or by a current situation of things.

The expression you see on someone feeling angry is; frowning of their faces, yelling or shouting (sometimes at the person that offended them), and violent behaviours like slapping or beating up the offender.

Anger can sometimes motivate you to make changes in your life but you need to find a healthy way of letting it out so it doesn’t make you harm people or yourself.

4. Fear

Fear is the act of being afraid or scared of something or someone or someplace or situation.

It’s a sign of insecurity in one’s life and common too.

There is a rush in adrenaline when someone is in fear and can trigger what is known as a flight or fight response.

5. Surprise

The feeling of surprise comes when something unexpected happens or when you see someone unexpectedly.

In general, a surprise is a feeling that comes with an unexpected occurrence, and, it sometimes comes with shock.

Other emotional feelings; disgust, shame, contempt, Guilt, etc.

Read 11 Simple Ways To Cope With Grief

How to Stay Emotionally Strong

Staying strong emotionally

Being strong emotionally is an essential thing, especially in today’s tough world.

The ability or possibility to overcome tough situations can be achieved by turning those challenging times into an opportunity for developing your mental and emotional health and stability.

I will be showing you some habits you can pick up to enable you to stay emotionally strong.

1. Be Confident In Yourself

Be kind to yourself and know your worth. Talk to yourself positively and work on having a growth mindset.

Practice self-affirmation and talk yourself out of negative thoughts.

By doing this you will radiate confidence when walking into a place and you won’t need to constantly seek attention because you know your value.

Find out 4 Ways to Find Hope When You Feel Hopeless

2. Be With Positive-Minded People

The people you surround yourself with, reflect on you. Getting rid of the people that hold you back can be hard but necessary for a better life.

3. Always Be Yourself

Do not try to be like others or fit in with others. Do your thing as your ability can carry. Don’t be afraid to be independent and to be yourself

4. Forgive Others

Bearing grudges against someone takes out too much mental energy from you.

If someone apologizes genuinely, forgive them and move on with your life.

Also, learn to apologize easily when you wrong someone too.

Read 9 Ways To Be Hopeful About The Future

5. Believe In Yourself

Never doubt yourself. Always know what you want and work hard to get it while being optimistic about the future.

6. Drop Old Habits

Try making new commitments and drop the old habits that you feel may have been pulling you down.

Start new better relationships, change your strategies and develop new methods of doing your things

7. Take Each Day As A Gift

Don’t lie in bed hating on the next day ahead of you. Instead, you should feel happy to see another and opportunity to improve your life.

8. Show Kindness

It’s known that some mothers tell their children that harsh people are simply insecure, and it’s true.

Emotionally strong people don’t need to drag others down to feel okay about themselves. Be kind to people.

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9. Don’t Be Afraid To Say NO

To remain sane in today’s world, it’s necessary to know that it’s fine to say NO. Over-committing can increase stress when you try to please everyone.

10. Don’t Underestimate

One of the important habits needed to stay emotionally and mentally strong is being happy.

You have to take back that power of happiness and work on it.

Manage your feelings and how you see and interpret the occurring situations.

You can turn a bad day into a good day by just smiling. Don’t leave your dreams behind for other person’s disappointment.

In conclusion

You can now see that staying or being strong emotionally is all in your power by enriching your mind and spirit and taking good care of yourself.

Also read 6 Ways To Discover Your Purpose In Life

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