9 Tips For Traveling Abroad First Time

At some time, there’s always a need to get some tips for traveling. It could be travelling for an event, concert, business seminar, or just going for a holiday treat. However, when you carry out travels within a country you have lived in for years, you may not be worried because you have a fair knowledge of what living in that country is like, irrespective of the current city.

This is not the case when travelling abroad, especially as a first-time traveler. Travelling outside your country involves a lot because you’re probably not a citizen of that country and also because you’re about to have a first-hand experience of living in an entirely different country.

At moments like this, it’s normal for some anxiety to set in as your mind will be bugged with questions like: how successful will my trip be, I hope my documents are complete, will I be able to pass through all security checks, will I be accepted by the people of the country I intend visiting, how adaptable will I be to their climate, and so many other enthusiastic questions. It even gets worse in cases where you’re boarding an aeroplane for the first time.

first time traveling

If you’re experiencing some or all of the travel anxieties stated above, then this article is for you, as I’m going to explain all that you need to know before embarking on that trip. Trust me; this will be an amazing guide for you irrespective of the country you’re travelling to.


1.Prepare your mind

Yes! You first need to prepare your mind because it may not be easy to make up your mind to leave a country that you’ve lived in for years. This feeling can make you reluctant or slow in your preparations to travel. For this reason, whenever you’re planning a trip, identify the purpose of travel and commit to fulfilling this purpose. Many people make up their minds late, and as such, they begin to process their documents late. Having a purpose and a proper mindset also keeps you motivated to withstand the stress that may come with processing your passports and visas.

2.Start Processing Travel Documents Early

You need to get your passports on time and avoid eleventh-hour rushes. Do well to ensure that your names are correctly printed or spelt on all the documents that would be required for your travel. You also need to check your visa requirements and the steps you need to take to study abroad. One of the tips for traveling is to begin your application process on time. This is because process of getting visas could differ depending on your country and the reason for travel.  However, it is advisable to start your application early and also research on google if you are a first time traveler or contact verified travel agencies

3.Flight booking

As easy as this could be for long-standing travelers, it could be a bug for you because you have to choose which airline to book with, considering the cost of flight tickets and the booking time.

For international flights, it would be cost-effective to begin plans to book your flights at least one month before your intended flight day. This gives you time to research the airline, the quality of their services, and other dos and don’ts. This will help you get the best value for your money.

You could make your reservations online but do well to check for discounts and promotions for first-time travellers; you could be lucky to enjoy quality services at a very affordable cost.

4.Make arrangements for your abode

It is important to determine where you’re going to reside in the country you’re going to. You may want to lodge with a friend or relative or in a hotel. Irrespective of your decision, you must make a choice early because you wouldn’t want to be stranded when you get there, and neither will you want to take your friends or loved ones unaware. So, book that hotel today or make that call today to inform your loved ones of your arrival.

5.Travel Insurance

It is key  to look into having Insurance. Just like every other insurance, travel insurance is meant to have your back in events where some unforeseen circumstances warrant you to cancel or postpone your flight. In such situations, you’ll have the insurance company bear part of the brunt (depending on your agreement) without you losing everything.

6.Currency Exchange

It is advisable to do all currency exchanges before the travel date. This allows you to do your research and figure out which financial institution offers the best rate. However, if you wait till the flight date, you may have to pay exorbitantly with the rates offered at the airport.


It is important to pay attention to how you intend to be reached. So, you decide whether you’ll get a new sim card or continue with your existing service provider.


One of the tips for traveling first time is that you must understand that there’s a limit to the weight of your load and the size of your luggage. This is usually regulated by the airline you choose to use. So, do some proper research and find out the net weight of your luggage to enable properly package your necessities.

Also, try to utilise the space in your bag. You can make a list of all items you intend to travel with. This list should be a long-term write-up that you must have initiated at least 2-3 weeks before your flight day. If this list is a day before, it may not be very accurate as you may forget some important things.

When you eventually pack, you can make a video or take a snapshot of everything you had in your luggage, knowing fully that your luggage won’t be with you while your journey lasts.

Most importantly, putting your travel documents in your luggage is not advisable. These documents should be very handy in your hand or side bag.

9.Be Time Conscious

Have a good track of time and be at the airport at least 1hr before your flight.


Above all, don’t be too tensed or excited. Just be yourself, follow the traveling tips stated here, and you’ll have an amazing trip.

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