9 Things A Husband Should Do To Make His Wife Happy

Are you confused about what to do to make your wife happy? This article contains 9 things a husband should do to make his wife happy.

No matter what is happening around the world today in different families and marriages, I want you to know that marriage is beautiful.

The Concept of Marriage

There are mixed emotions about the idea of marriage today.  However, if you hold a personal survey, you will still see married couples who have been in the game for years that consider marriage a beautiful thing.

Also, life can be so lonely sometimes, but through this union called marriage, you can enjoy companionship.

You can share your area of interests and concerns with your spouse and a problem shared is already half solved.

This is because once an issue is bothering you and it is discussed, you feel somehow relieved.

Additionally, before the establishment of a marriage, the man put all his efforts to woo the woman he has been eyeing for a while.

Almost all ladies love to be chased by men, especially responsible ones. Although the men also do enjoy the chase. It’s an interesting period.

Then, in marriage, most wives will say their husband has changed and he is not the man that they got married to. This is due to the fact that all the efforts to satisfy the wife have ended.

Also, some men don’t see reasons to put more effort to keep their wives happy. Although this may be due to other responsibilities, it should not be an excuse.

The truth is that most husbands subconsciously become less caring to their wives after marriage.

During the early stage of a relationship before the wedding, the guy or the lady tends to show their best sides to each other.

However, when the man has obtained the woman’s agreement in marriage which is what he needs to feel secure, he doesn’t feel the need to impress his wife again.

In this article, you are set to learn and see practical ways by which you can make your wife happy.

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How To Make Your Wife Happy

1.  Practise Her Love Language

9 things a husband should do to make his wife happy

This is one of the things you should do to make your wife happy. Every individual has what they love and the things that make them feel loved.

This also includes your wife. So, don’t just assume what you can do to make her happy. Know her love language and practise it.

2. Words of Affirmation

Lovely couple

This is when a person feels love through verbal expressions of affection and care. If this happens to be your wife’s love language, then you have to study what she does and give positive comments always.

For instance, “You are beautiful”, “That dress looks nice on you”, and so on. Telling your wife that you love her can make her happy all through the day.

Appreciating your wife always can also make her happy. Whenever she does something, learn to appreciate her.

Let it be part of your hobbies to appreciate your wife and to also tell her that you love her.  Don’t forget to say it as you mean it.

3. Gifts

9 things a husband should do to make his wife happy

One of the things you should do to make your wife happy is to get her gifts. Giving gifts as a love language can either be something tangible or intangible that can make your wife happy.

The gift does not need to be costly. On your way back from work, get her something. It may be a flower, chocolate, wine, cloth, wrist watch and so on. Just think of what she loves and appreciates.

Also, attending her special occasions like award presentations or concerts can be a form of giving her a gift.

4. Acts of Service

9 things a husband should do to make his wife happy

This is rendering helpful service to your wife to make her happy and feel loved. This can be difficult for some husbands because some duties are attached to the wife only which should not be.

You can help your wife with cooking, doing the dishes, or catering for the baby so she can rest. Doing this can make your wife very happy.

5. Quality Time


couple spending quality time together

This is one of the things you should do to make your wife happy. Although, quality time is relative in every relationship because many women love to have their husband’s attention without distraction.

The time to be spent together should have a focus. It could be going out on a date, walking and talking together, watching television, or seeing a movie together.

Your wife needs more of your attention and it will make her happy. Don’t be too busy for her; create the time and she will appreciate it dearly.

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6. Physical Touch

9 things a husband should do to make his wife happy

This is the physical expression of love. It can be through kissing, hugging, holding hands, massage, or intercourse.

Don’t assume you know what she loves and will make her happy. Ask her and once you know it, always look for an opportunity to carry out your mission as her husband.

You can also read one of the books of Dr. Gary Chapman titled:” The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Last” to explore more about love languages.

7. Respect Her

couple that respect each other

Most men always look down on their wives’ decisions. However, if you want to make your wife happy, respect her decisions, thoughts, work, hobbies, beliefs, and needs.

Sometimes, your wife may need time alone. Give her space and wait to see her come out happy and refreshed.

Additionally, let her know that her opinions about any subject of discussion at home are valuable. This will make her feel honoured, happy, and respected in her home.

8. Prioritise her


One of the things you should do to make your wife happy is to prioritise her. Let your wife know she is your number one in the world.

Let her know she is very important to you than your business, friends, hobbies, sports, or career. This will make her happy.

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9. Listen to her

husband and wife

As the man of the house, most times, you may want to fix everything wrong at home without listening to your wife.

However, when you pay attention and listen to your wife, it makes her feel happy and needed. Sometimes, what she needs from you is a listening ear.


For you to have a beautiful and healthy marriage, making your wife happy is very important. Therefore, as the husband, do not relax in making your wife happy.

When you have a happy wife, you will have a happy home too. After the load of stress at work, you will have a home to relax and enjoy.

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