Missed Your Flight? Here Are 6 Things To Do

What are the things to do when you miss your flight due to certain reasons? Keep reading this article for the solutions!

People migrate for various reasons and traveling from one location to another using an airline can be stressful sometimes.

This is due to the fact that the trip depends on different factors before you can get to your destination.

As you plan to take a flight for your journey, you may also want to put many things in place before you leave your home or office.

So, during the process of getting ready for the flight, it is possible you missed your flight for some essential reasons.

You may miss your flight because you got sick before the day of your flight. It can be because of terrible traffic on your way to the airport or because you woke up late on the day of your flight.

It can also be due to bad weather (rain or snow) or because you forgot a very important document at home.

Some of those reasons are out of your control as a human. No matter how you perfectly planned your schedule, you can still find yourself getting late to the airport, and that can make you miss your flight.

You don’t need to panic. Relax your mind and take the necessary steps that will be revealed to you in this article.

A major factor that determines what steps to take when you missed your flight depends on who is at fault.

If the airline is at fault, you will surely receive compensation or a refund from them if the issue is critical.

So, let us quickly go through the list of what you should do if you are the one at fault.

List of what to do

1. Contact the Airline

Missed your flight? Here are 6 things to do

It is natural to feel disturbed or panic when you missed your flight. However, you must, first of all, take away that fear so that you can be settled to fix the issue.

The airline customer care phone number is always on top of your flight or the e-ticket. So, your first step when you miss your flight is to call the airline immediately.

You should also call the airline if you have observed a few hours early that you cannot make your flight is to call the airline immediately.

When you call the airline or your flight agent, quickly let them know you missed your flight or that there is a possibility that you will not make the flight.

Don’t make your explanation long or start shedding tears when speaking with your flight agent because they are very busy hearing all your stories.

They have other customers to attend to. Hence, go straight to the point and they will tell you the available solution.

2. Visit the Airport Website or the Airline Desk at the Gate

Missed your flight? Here are 6 things to do

If you have internet access, you can also visit the website of the airport where your flight should take off.

On their site, locate the airport airline contact information page and search for the phone number of the airlines that service that particular location

Contact the ticketing representative or airline gate agent before the gate closes on your flight.

If you can do this, there is a high possibility that you will be able to change your flight easily.

Although, the change fee can be expensive. But it can be reduced or waived if you plead with the gate agent.

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3. Get a standby ticket

Missed your flight? Here are 6 things to do

Getting a standby ticket will allow you to fly on the next available flight if there is a vacant seat on the plane.

Although it is rare for you to see space that will accommodate you on a plane because most planes are fully occupied already but it is also certain that not everyone will fly with their booked flight. It means that other people may also miss their flight that same day.

Some airline policies will allow you to fly on standby for the next flight if you miss your flight. But you must have contacted the gate agent earlier so that your name can be on the wait list for flying standby on the next flight.

4. The ‘Flat Tire ‘ Rule


You should familiarize yourself with the policies of your booked airline. This will help you to know the airline contract of carriage.

The airline policy contains how the airline will handle different issues like missed flights, delays, and many more.

The ‘flat tire rule’ is not always in this contract of carriage because it is an unofficial rule the airline does apply in different cases.

A flat tire rule is a form of assistance the airline gives by putting you on the next flight without any charges or with a small fee.

This rule only applies when you can provide evidence that your delay is genuine and beyond your control.

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5. Get a One-Way Ticket

Missed your flight? Here are 6 things to do

In a situation when you are on your way home and your luggage is ahead of you, a one-way ticket is good for you.

Although you also need to inform the airline representative about it so that your luggage can be tracked down.

A one-way ticket is a type of ticket that can allow you to travel only in one direction to your destination and not back from it.

6. Rebooking flight

rebooking flighi

If you missed your flight, you can book the same-day change with the airline. This option is more guaranteed than the standby seat on the next flight.

But, if the next flight is fully booked, you can ask the airline representative to put you on the reserve list.

Making a new reservation may be an option. But make sure you speak with an airline expert before you make any decision.

If you must make that trip that same day you can rebook with other airlines going to your destination.


You don’t have to hate yourself because you missed your flight. It is not the end of the world. It can happen to anyone even those that are seasoned travelers.

Take hold of travel anxiety and you will surely get to your desired destination. Politely ask for help from the right airline personnel and take the necessary steps immediately.

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