Is It Worth Moving To Canada From The US? 15 Facts

Thinking about moving to Canada from the US is a big decision, and I get why you’re considering it.

Maybe you’re longing for cooler weather, stunning landscapes, or a change of pace.

Or perhaps you’re in search of new opportunities and a different way of life.

Whatever the reason, relocating to a new place can be scary sometimes, and with the Great white north in mind, it could be overwhelming.

To keep cool while still being able to wrap your head around what to do and how is by staying ready and prepared to face whatever you might encounter in Canada.

That’s why I am here to help you navigate through the ins and outs of making this big move.

In this post, I will explore 15 things you should know before moving to Canada from the US. So, let’s dive in and discover if Canada is the right fit for you!


1. Cost Of Living

Since the cost of living in Canada is no joke, you want to make sure your hard-earned dollars stretch as far as possible.

From housing to groceries, everything seems to come with a heftier price tag compared to what you’re used to in the US.

But hold on a minute, don’t let that discourage you just yet.

While it’s true that some expenses may be higher in Canada, other factors balance the scales.

For instance, healthcare is often more affordable, thanks to Canada’s universal healthcare system.

So moving to Canada isn’t sure a bad idea at all.

Plus, public transportation options are extensive and reliable, which can help reduce your overall transportation costs.

Now, let’s sift through the numbers a bit.

The average cost of renting a one-bedroom apartment in downtown Toronto is approximately CAD 2,300 per month.

Keep in mind, this price may vary depending on the neighbourhood and the size of the place. Groceries can also be a bit pricey, with a cart full of essentials easily setting you back CAD 200 per week.

But fear not, Canada offers a plethora of affordable.   Some charming cities like Ottawa, Edmonton, and Halifax, where the cost of living is more manageable.

Housing prices might be lower, allowing you to save some extra loonies for the things that truly matter to you.

Now that you’ve dived into the world of the Canadian cost of living, what are your thoughts?

Are you willing to embrace the higher expenses in exchange for the Canadian experience?

Only you can make that decision, but rest assured, I am here to guide you through the other 14 things you need to know to make an informed choice before moving to Canada.

So, let’s keep exploring together, shall we?

2. Health Care Systems

Healthcare systems are one of the most important factors to consider when moving to Canada.

Visualize waking up one morning with a throbbing toothache that just won’t quit.

In the US, you start tallying up the potential costs in your head – the dentist visit, the X-rays, the dreaded dental bills.

It’s enough to make your head spin. But hold on a minute, because Canada’s healthcare system has got your back!

In the land of maple syrup and hockey, healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

That’s right, you won’t have to break the bank to get that toothache attended to.

With Canada’s universal healthcare system, you’ll have access to medical services without emptying your savings account.

Now, I can already hear your sceptical voice whispering in my ear, “But what about the wait times? Are they as bad as they say?”

Here’s the truth – wait times can vary depending on the healthcare region you’re in and the urgency of your situation.

Some wait times might be longer than you’d like, but think about it this way – wouldn’t you rather wait a bit longer for non-urgent issues and have the peace of mind of knowing that you won’t go bankrupt?

Now, I know change can be intimidating, but think about what moving to Canada will be like with uninterrupted access to affordable healthcare for you and your loved ones.

It’s not just about saving money, but also about the peace of mind that comes with knowing you won’t be drowning in medical debt if the unexpected happens.

Take a moment to imagine a world where medical bills don’t keep you up at night. It might just be worth moving to Canada.

3. Quality Of Education

In Canada, education isn’t limited to textbooks and exams.

It’s about nurturing well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the skills needed to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Whether you’re pursuing higher education or looking to enrol your kids in school, the Canadian system prioritizes individual growth, offering a wide range of programs and extracurricular activities to cater to diverse interests.

So, if you are thinking of moving to Canada rest assured that the Educational system is top-notch.

Imagine your child joining a vibrant school community, where they can explore their potential through a plethora of arts, sports, and clubs.

From joining the school band to participating in breathtaking outdoor activities like skiing or kayaking, education in Canada extends beyond the four walls of a classroom.

It’s about fostering a love for learning, helping students discover their passions, and setting them up for a bright future.

Maybe you’re considering furthering your education or switching careers.

Canada boasts top-notch universities and colleges that attract students from all over the world.

Whether you’re interested in business, research, or the arts, you can discover your life purpose with various programs tailored to your aspirations.

Can you envision yourself attending a vibrant lecture, engaged in a lively discussion with professors and peers from diverse backgrounds?

In Canada, education is a dynamic experience, designed to challenge and inspire you.

The professors are known for their expertise, but they’re also approachable and genuinely invested in helping you succeed.

Think about the opportunities for personal growth and networking that a Canadian education could provide.

You’ll have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, building lifelong friendships and professional relationships.

Who knows? Your future business partner or the love of your life could just be a classmate away!

4. Job Opportunities

Canada is known for its strong and diverse economy, offering a wide range of job prospects across various industries.

From healthcare and technology to finance and engineering, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Nothing could be more invigorating like waking up excited to go to work every day, knowing that you’re pursuing your passions and being valued for your skills.

Here’s where it gets interesting;

Canada is not only home to big cities like Toronto and Vancouver but also boasts vibrant and rapidly growing smaller communities.

This means that job opportunities can be found in urban centres as well as more rural areas.

Whether you prefer the fast-paced hustle and bustle of city life or the tranquil charm of a small town, Canada has something for everyone.

Let’s not forget about Canada’s welcoming and inclusive immigration policies.

As an immigrant, you’ll have access to various programs and resources that can help you secure employment and settle into your new life smoothly.

From government support to networking events, there are countless opportunities to connect with employers and industry professionals who can help kickstart your career.

But it’s not just about the job itself; it’s also about the work-life balance that Canada is known for.

You not just get to work under the best conditions but also have more time to spend with loved ones, enjoying outdoor activities, and exploring the breathtaking landscapes that Canada is renowned for.

Canada values quality of life, and this extends to the workplace, where employee well-being is a priority.

So, when it comes to job opportunities, Canada has a lot to offer.

With its strong economy, diverse industries, and supportive immigration policies, achieving your career goals is definitely within reach.

Whether you dream of working for a multinational company or starting your own business, Canada can provide the opportunities and resources to help you thrive.

For you to navigate through the job search and opportunities, you have to read How to Get a Job in  Another Country Before Moving First.


5. Immigration Process

Thinking of moving to Canada from the US? Well, one important factor you need to consider is the immigration process.

Ah, the dreaded paperwork, right? But fear not! Canada has a well-established and streamlined immigration system that aims to make the process as smooth as possible.

Though the relocation process can take more time than expected, don’t be scared, it’s nothing to worry about.

So you’ve just landed in Canada, ready to start your new adventure.

But wait! Before you can fully settle in, you need to navigate through the immigration process.

Don’t worry, it’s not as daunting as it may seem.

The Canadian government offers various pathways for skilled workers, students, and family members to obtain permanent or temporary residency.

Firstly, there’s the Express Entry system, which allows skilled workers to apply for permanent residency based on their education, work experience, and language proficiency.

It’s like a fast track to becoming a Canadian resident! Plus, the process is quite straightforward and efficient, with most applications being processed within six months.

But what if you’re a student looking to pursue your higher education in the Great White North?

Good news! Canada has a whole range of options for you too.

The study permit application process is designed to help international students smoothly transition into Canadian life.

And the best part? Once you’ve completed your studies, you may even be eligible for a post-graduation work permit, allowing you to gain valuable work experience in Canada.

Now, I know what you’re thinking;

How does the immigration process for family members work?

Well, Canada recognizes the importance of family unity, and there are pathways available for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their loved ones to join them in the country.

It’s all about keeping families together and fostering a sense of belonging in the Great White North.

Immigration processes can sometimes be overwhelming, and you may have more questions than answers at this point.

That’s why it’s important to consult with immigration experts or seek guidance from reputable sources to ensure you understand all the requirements and steps involved.

Therefore, as you consider moving to Canada, rest assured that the immigration process is designed with your convenience in mind.

From the Express Entry system for skilled workers to the study permit and family sponsorship pathways, there are options available to suit your needs.

Embrace the adventure and let Canada welcome you with open arms!

6. Weather Conditions

Living in Canada

The first thing that might come to your mind is, “How cold does it get?”

You might love to know that Canada is known for its chilly winters.

Imagine being bundled up in layers, sipping on a steaming cup of hot cocoa, and watching the snow gracefully fall outside your window.

It’s a quintessential Canadian experience, and it can be quite magical.

But of course, with great snow comes great shovelling responsibilities!

Be prepared to shovel your driveway and clear snow from your walkway during those winter months.

It can be a workout, but don’t forget, at least you’ll burn some calories before indulging in that poutine!

Speaking of the cold, have you ever heard of the term “wind chill”?

Trust me, it’s not just a fancy phrase.

When that cold wind cuts through your layers, it can instantly freeze the tip of your nose and make you wonder if it’s worth all this frostbite talk.

But fear not!

You’ll learn to adapt and embrace the winter wonders, from building snowmen with your neighbours to participating in thrilling activities like ice skating and skiing.

Not forgetting about the other seasons.

Summers in Canada can be breathtaking;

Here are some tips for what to wear in Canada in summer.

Imagine strolling along the shores of beautiful Canadian lakes and basking in the warm sunlight.

Enjoying the distinct smell of a summer barbecue in the air.

It’s a time for outdoor adventures, exploring national parks, and taking in the natural beauty that Canada has to offer.

Canada is a vast country, and the weather conditions can vary significantly depending on where you choose to settle.

In some regions, you might experience milder winters or cooler summers.

It all comes down to your preferred climate and what you’re willing to adapt to.

As you weigh the decision of whether or not to move to Canada, take some time to envision yourself experiencing the unique weather conditions.

Can you handle the winter wonderland, or are you more of a beach enthusiast?

It’s important to consider how weather factors into your overall lifestyle and preferences.

7. Cultural Diversity

It is worth moving to Canada from US


One exciting aspect to think about is the incredible cultural diversity you’ll find in the Great White North.

You’ve probably heard that Canada is a melting pot of various ethnicities, languages, and traditions, but just how diverse can it be?

Canada takes cultural diversity to a whole new level.

Imagine strolling down the streets of Toronto, where you’ll encounter people from all corners of the globe.

From the spicy aromas of Chinatown to the vibrant colours of Little India, you’ll feel like you’re on a delicious whirlwind tour of the world.

But it doesn’t stop there! Canada’s cultural tapestry extends to its festivities as well.

Have you ever celebrated Vaisakhi with the Sikh community, or danced the night away at the Caribbean Carnival?

In Canada, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in countless cultural celebrations that will leave you feeling inspired and connected.

And let’s not forget the food! Oh, the glorious, mouthwatering food.

From poutine to butter tarts, Canadian cuisine is as diverse as its people.

You won’t have to travel far to indulge in authentic dishes from different cultures, making your taste buds dance with joy.

Now, I know you must be wondering, “Can this cultural diversity be achieved to such an extent?”

The answer is a resounding YES! One unique aspect of Canadian society is its commitment to inclusivity and acceptance.

Canada takes pride in its multiculturalism.  Thereby, actively promoting diversity, which makes it one of the best countries to immigrate with your family.

Envision yourself surrounded by a kaleidoscope of cultures, embracing the differences that make our world so beautiful.

Canada offers a truly unique opportunity to widen your horizons, expand your knowledge, and foster meaningful connections with people from every corner of the globe.

8. Taxes

Moving to Canada

You might already know that taxes can be a pain in the you-know-what, but they also play a significant role in shaping your financial situation and overall quality of life.

Taxes may not be the most thrilling topic but here’s the deal: Canada and the US have different tax systems, and understanding these differences is crucial to ensure you’re making the most out of your hard-earned money.

In Canada, our tax system is progressive, which means the more you earn, the more taxes you’ll pay.

But here’s the best part –

We also have a variety of deductions and credits available to help lower your tax burden.

You heard that right – the Canadian government wants to give you back some of your money!

As an entrepreneur moving to Canada to start a business, the great news is that you may be eligible for small business tax deductions, helping you keep more money in your pocket.

Plus, Canada offers a lower corporate tax rate compared to the US, making it an attractive option for ambitious individuals like yourself.

Not forgetting Canada also offers a wide range of tax credits, whether it’s for education, the arts, or even adopting a furry friend.

Not only will you have the opportunity to contribute to the Canadian economy, but you’ll also have access to potential tax benefits that can enhance your overall financial situation.

While taxes may be a necessary evil, Canada provides opportunities for you to maximize your financial well-being.

By understanding and taking advantage of the Canadian tax system, you can ensure that you’re keeping more of your hard-earned money in your pockets.

Are you starting to see the benefits?

I know taxes can be intimidating, but trust me when I say that Canada’s tax system is designed to provide you with opportunities to save money and thrive financially.

When moving to Canada, remember that our progressive tax system and various deductions and credits can help make your financial journey a little bit sweeter.

This is just one of the many factors to consider, but understanding how taxes work can be a game-changer when it comes to making the most of your new Canadian adventure.

Now go ahead and grab a cup of Tim Horton’s coffee while you ponder the exciting possibilities of a tax system that’s here to make your wallet smile!

9. Work-Life Balance


When it comes to work-life balance, Canada has got you all the time.

Unlike some places where work seems to consume every minute of your day, Canadians take pride in finding time for the things that truly matter.

Whether it’s enjoying a leisurely evening stroll by the stunning Canadian lakes, taking part in outdoor activities like hiking or skiing, or simply enjoying a cosy evening with family and friends, Canadians understand the importance of a well-rounded life.

In Canada, you could leave work at a reasonable hour, without the constant pressure to log extra hours or be available 24/7.

In Canada, there’s a sense of respect for personal time and boundaries, allowing you to truly disconnect and recharge.

This buys you more time to dedicate to hobbies, interests, and the people you love, without sacrificing your professional success.

Canadians prioritize their well-being, family, and personal time.

They understand that life is about more than just work, and they embrace the beauty of enjoying the present moment.

So, if you’re looking for a place where work-life balance is not just a dream but a reality, Canada might just be the answer.

Don’t you think it’s worth considering a country that values your time and offers an abundance of opportunities to enjoy life outside of work?

Go ahead and take a leap of faith.

Explore the possibilities that await you in Canada, where work and play intertwine harmoniously, creating a life that is truly worth living.

Canada welcomes you with open arms and a promise of a fulfilling work-life balance.

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10. Safety And Security

Worth moving to Canada

When it comes to work safety, Canada takes it seriously.

You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that there are strict regulations and standards in place to protect workers.

Whether you’re in an office, a construction site, or any other workplace, you can rest assured that your well-being is a top priority.

But what about overall safety and security? Canada is known for being a safe and welcoming country.

Not only is it ranked consistently high in various global safety indexes, but it’s also the best country to immigrate with family.

Canada is one country where you can feel secure walking down the streets in the evening or letting your kids play outside without worry.

Imagine you’re strolling through a picturesque Canadian neighbourhood, surrounded by lush green parks and friendly faces.

The sun is shining, and you can’t help but feel a sense of tranquillity.

You see families enjoying their time together, people jogging, and neighbours greeting each other with warm smiles.

It’s a scene straight out of a feel-good movie!

Now, compare that to the hustle and bustle you might be used to in some US cities.

Where safety concerns can sometimes overshadow the enjoyment of daily life.

Sure, every place has its challenges, but Canada’s commitment to safety and security will certainly put your mind at ease.

11. Nature And Outdoor Activities


Thinking of Canada, then you must be thinking of pristine lakes reflecting majestic mountains.

Vibrant hiking trails lead you to breathtaking viewpoints, and endless opportunities for skiing, snowboarding, and even dog sledding.

Canada is a playground for nature enthusiasts like yourself.

Just in case you are wondering, you can achieve all this outdoor beauty to the extent you hope for?

The answer is a resounding yes! Canada is renowned for its commitment to preserving its natural wonders and providing access to outdoor activities for all.

Whether you choose to live in a bustling city like Toronto or a more remote countryside town, you’ll find yourself around stunning landscapes waiting to be explored.

If you prefer warmer temperatures, Canada’s endless lakes and rivers offer countless opportunities for water sports.

Imagine kayaking on the crystal-clear waters of Lake Louise or canoeing along the picturesque Algonquin Park.

The possibilities are truly endless.

And let’s not forget about the wildlife.

Canada is home to an incredible array of wildlife. Playful whales off the coast of British Columbia to the iconic moose and elusive bears in the wild.

Get ready for some truly unforgettable encounters with nature’s magnificent creatures.

When moving to Canada, think about how important nature and outdoor activities are to you.

If you’re someone who craves adventure and appreciates the wonders of nature, then Canada might just be the place for you.

Get ready to explore, reconnect with nature, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Canada is waiting for you with open arms and breathtaking landscapes. Are you ready to answer the call of the wild?

12. Different Rules And Regulations

Canada has its unique system, and it’s important to understand how things work here.

First off, In Canada, they have a universal healthcare system, which means that everyone has access to medical services.

No more worrying about expensive medical bills or limited coverage.

It”s like having a safety net that catches you when you need it most.

When it comes to taxes in the Great White North, we have different tax rates and regulations compared to the US.

It might seem overwhelming at first but fear not, there’s help available.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is there to guide you through the process and make sure you’re on the right track.

Plus, our healthcare system is partly funded by taxes, so that’s one less thing to worry about.

Now, let’s talk about the big elephant in the room — the weather.

If you’re not a fan of cold winters and snow, then, Canada might stir up mixed emotions.

Certainly, the winters can be long and chilly. There’s something magical about cosying up by the fireplace with a hot cup of cocoa and watching the snowflakes dance outside.

And never forget, Canada compensates with stunning summers that make you forget all about winter’s grip.

However, personal preference is a deeply personal matter.  What brings joy and fulfilment to one person might not necessarily do the same for another.

So, ask yourself: What do you truly value in life? What makes your heart sing?

Canada might seem like a dream come true for some, but it’s vital to consider your individual needs and desires.

After all, happiness should always be a driving force behind any significant life decision.


After exploring all the factors, you can see how it’s all worth it to hop on the next flight moving to Canada from the US.

From quality education to community, healthcare services, the benefits of making the move are clear and endless.

Canada Is not only a haven to come to explore all your dreams. However, it’s a perfect place to see your personal and professional growth.

In a place like Canada, you don’t have to worry about feeling nostalgic.  From the airport, you will sweep off your feet.  As you begin experiencing the magic of a home away from home in the land of the Canadians.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts. We can’t wait to hear from you!


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