How To Get A Job In Another Country Before Moving

When your relocation to another country is certain, it is necessary to consider getting a job before moving to that country.

Moving or relocating to another country can be costly aside from the stress you will undergo. In moving from one country to another a lot of money will be spent on packing your luggage, transportation, and settling other important things.

Therefore, it will be a good idea if you can start a job immediately after you move into that country to quickly recover the expenses made.

You should get a job before moving because this will give you and your family quick financial stability and it will help you live a comfortable life.

Searching for jobs after getting to your new location will take a longer time before you can get one because you are new in that area.

It is like starting afresh when you move to a new country. So, you will need to first get familiar with the organizations in your community which will take time even before you start to apply for the jobs.

Getting a new job of your choice may require a lot of time. When you begin the job search and finally landed a job before you move to another country it will be so relieving.

Have you decided to move to another country? And you are disturbed about how to get a job before moving. The solution is here, relax and enjoy this article that will get you the job of your choice.

How to get a Job in another country

1. Moving With Your Job is Possible

How To Get A Job In Another Country Before Moving

If you love your current job and wish to take it along with you, then approach the Human Resources department of the company to enquire if there is any branch of the company in your future location.

You can also search to check whether there is a vacancy with your current employer in the new country you plan to move to before applying for new jobs in that same country.

If there is a position you can occupy in that branch of the company, you can easily discuss with your manager if a job transfer is possible. This will reduce your effort of applying for a job in another country.

Although, this is not an option for those who don’t want to continue working with their current employer.

2. Update your resume and cover letter

Your resume and cover letter get to your potential employer before you.

You should change the address on your resume to show that you will be relocating or you can use a specific address in that country if you already have a place you will be staying when you move.

Because your application might not be selected if you are applying outside that country.

You must be able to convince the company that you are moving for sure. And this should be expressed on your resume and cover letter. If your reason for moving is not too personal you can briefly explain it in your cover letter.

Also, you must be certain about when you are moving because this will make it clear that you are relocating. No company will want to take the risk of employing you if you are not sure about moving.

Also See: How long does it take to relocate?

3. Start a Job search in your future location

How To Get A Job In Another Country Before Moving

You should create enough time to plan and do the long-distance job search. Without a concrete plan, it may be difficult to get a job.

With the help of technology, distance is never a barrier to a job search in another country. In this present age, you can find almost every organization online.

In your plan, you can get the list of all the companies in your field in that location and send an application to all or you can also decide to pick your choice and apply.

If you are interested in working off-site you can apply for remote jobs that will allow you to work from anywhere around the world.

You can also contact recruiters in the new country or search out for countries that have the most job opportunities for foreigners. Through recruiters, you can get more information that can help in your job search in that new location.

4. Use Your Network

Your family, friends, and colleagues who are your major network can be of great help in getting a job before moving to another country. If you have any of them in that country let them know about your search for a job.

When you talk to your network, there are possibilities that you can be referred to a company. This can remove some barriers to meeting with employers and it can also speed up the process of landing a job.

Ensure you update all your social media account. Through your social media platforms, you can easily locate family and friends that are living and working in your future location.

Some companies do not publicize vacancies and they do internal recruitment, so your network can be a great lead to getting necessary information about new jobs.

Use your email to sign up for job alerts on company websites in that new country so that you will be updated about new job opportunities.

5. Get ready for interviews

You shouldn’t stop at the submission of job applications to those companies. Make sure you follow up on your application. Your resume can be attended to among many other applications.

Apart from the normal preparation for an interview you should be prepared to answer questions about your relocation.

Assure them that your moving is sure and that their job suits the type of job you want. If possible, you can also request an online interview. Don’t forget to research and learn more about your potential employer be you attend the interview.

Also Read: 7 advantages & disadvantages of living abroad.


Getting a new job anywhere can be challenging. So, getting a job in another country before moving may also be tough but through diligence, patience, and following the steps given in this article it can be easy. You must not give up until you get your desired job. Good luck.

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