7 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries in Europe

There are interestingly most Immigrant friendly countries in Europe that are hospitable.

An immigrant is a person who comes into a country from their country of birth or residence in order to gain permanent residence in the new country.

People choose to leave their country for different reasons. For some, it could be educational, for others, economic, while for others, it’s better living conditions.

For whatever reason at all, it is important to carry out due diligence before making the move to migrate. Of all the continents in the world, Europe has proven to be a hot spot for immigrants.

As of 2019, statistics showed that over 2.5 million ex-pats have immigrated to different countries in Europe. As much as Europe as a continent is receptive to foreigners, not all European countries show the same level of hospitality to strangers.

So, before you move, make sure you do your in-depth research to identify the best countries for you.

The following countries are reportedly the friendliest to immigrants, they also have the best job opportunities in that demographic :

They are the best because they offer quality services in the areas of financial security, healthcare, and physical, social, and economic well-being to immigrants.

The countries are:

1. Finland

7 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries in Europe

Finland is ranked the happiest country in the world. Everyone wants to be happy, so if you’re looking for happiness, then you can’t be disappointed in the Nordic country.

They are also outstanding in offering a brilliant education system and social and economic security to immigrant families.

There are some downsides associated with living in Finland, though. Some foreigners have complained about the difficulty of learning the language, the low social lifestyle atmosphere, and the cold weather.

If you can adapt to these conditions, then you will enjoy Finland.

2. Luxembourg

With 40% of its population being foreign, Luxembourg is a good place to move to. Although a small country, Luxembourg is the second-richest country in the world, with a high GDP per capita.

The country offers an enabling environment for people to live, do business and be technologically innovative, with workers earning the highest salaries compared to other countries in Europe.

You won’t find communication challenging because a high percentage of the population speaks English, even though they have three official languages.

On the flip side, the high cost of living and some restrictions on immigration routes make it disadvantageous to migrate to Luxembourg.

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3. Germany

7 Most Immigrant Friendly Countries in Europe

Germany should be your home if you’re looking for a place with a healthy fusion of social and economic life.

The German government even offers you an artist visa if you intend to ply your trade in the arts there. It’s nicknamed the “land of thinkers and poets.” Germany houses a large population of foreigners who enjoy quality living standards and a healthy economy there.

You can easily migrate to Germany because it has more access routes than other European countries. If you enjoy a social life, you will love Germany.

4. Portugal

Portugal is special for the following reasons: excellent standard of living, quality education system; beautiful climatic conditions; and good economy.

These factors make the country appealing to ex-pats. Portugal has an impressively low cost of living as well as many sociocultural activities for immigrants that you’ll want to check out.

You can travel to Portugal visa-free for 90 days if you want to get the opportunity to explore the country before making up your mind to stay longer or not.

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5. Spain

Spain is just as good as Portugal in terms of living conditions, quality healthcare system, and low cost of living.

There is an opportunity for you to get a freelance visa if you choose to work as an independent person. If you are financially strong, you can go for the Golden visa.

6. United Kingdom

If you’re American, you’ll find it easy to immigrate to the UK. Coupled with the fact that it’s the same language, it feels like moving to a home not far away from home.

The UK is a conglomeration of highly developed countries, providing opportunities to work and set up your own business.

There are different visa options available, depending on what you intend to achieve. There is an intra-transfer company visa if your work is taking you there.

Other visa types are work, family, and investor visas. The only demerit associated with moving to the UK now is the issue of Brexit.

Now, the citizens do not have the same rights as other EU nationals, plus the reduction in freedom of movement to and for those nations.

7. Iceland


Apart from the not-so-favorable weather conditions and the reserved nature of the local people, Iceland is a great place to live.

Iceland has been reported by the Global Peace Index to be the safest place in the world to dwell. It has a healthy economy, with a robust GDP per capita, working healthcare, education, and social infrastructure.

If you intend to relocate to Iceland, make sure you have a visa and a job lined up.

Those are my 7 best European countries, which I know you will love. In addition, let me tell you some things you should do before you move, especially if it’s your first time.

  1. Learn the language: English is not the native language of every European country.
  2. Secure accommodation: it’s better to do this before leaving your country of residence.
  3. Purchase medical insurance
  4. Learn about the culture. This will help you connect with the locals.
  5. Expect culture shock: some things may seem strange to you; be prepared for them.


You can see from the information above, my seven best European countries that are friendly to immigrants.

They have a robust economic climate, working educational systems, good living standards, and other benefits.

After reading through, you can also make further inquiries before you take a decision. Europe is better than some other places because it is organized.

Some people go there in search of greener pastures, while others go there in search of a favorable environment for education and work.

Whichever your intention, plan adequately. Don’t forget your winter jacket. It gets freezing there.

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